# Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo
This package provides a network bridge which enables the exchange of messages
between ROS and Gazebo Transport.
The following message types can be bridged for topics:
| ROS type | Gazebo type |
| builtin_interfaces/msg/Time | ignition::msgs::Time |
| std_msgs/msg/Bool | ignition::msgs::Boolean |
| std_msgs/msg/ColorRGBA | ignition::msgs::Color |
| std_msgs/msg/Empty | ignition::msgs::Empty |
| std_msgs/msg/Float32 | ignition::msgs::Float |
| std_msgs/msg/Float64 | ignition::msgs::Double |
| std_msgs/msg/Header | ignition::msgs::Header |
| std_msgs/msg/Int32 | ignition::msgs::Int32 |
| std_msgs/msg/UInt32 | ignition::msgs::UInt32 |
| std_msgs/msg/String | ignition::msgs::StringMsg |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Wrench | ignition::msgs::Wrench |
| geometry_msgs/msg/WrenchStamped | ignition::msgs::Wrench |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Quaternion | ignition::msgs::Quaternion |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Vector3 | ignition::msgs::Vector3d |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Point | ignition::msgs::Vector3d |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Pose | ignition::msgs::Pose |
| geometry_msgs/msg/PoseArray | ignition::msgs::Pose_V |
| geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovariance | ignition::msgs::PoseWithCovariance |
| geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | ignition::msgs::Pose |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Transform | ignition::msgs::Pose |
| geometry_msgs/msg/TransformStamped | ignition::msgs::Pose |
| geometry_msgs/msg/Twist | ignition::msgs::Twist |
| geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped | ignition::msgs::Twist |
| geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovariance| ignition::msgs::TwistWithCovariance |
| nav_msgs/msg/Odometry | ignition::msgs::Odometry |
| nav_msgs/msg/Odometry | ignition::msgs::OdometryWithCovariance |
| rcl_interfaces/msg/ParameterValue | ignition::msgs::Any |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Altimeter | ignition::msgs::Altimeter |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Contact | ignition::msgs::Contact |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Contacts | ignition::msgs::Contacts |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Dataframe | ignition::msgs::Dataframe |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Entity | ignition::msgs::Entity |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Float32Array | ignition::msgs::Float_V |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/GuiCamera | ignition::msgs::GUICamera |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/JointWrench | ignition::msgs::JointWrench |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Light | ignition::msgs::Light |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/SensorNoise | ignition::msgs::SensorNoise |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/StringVec | ignition::msgs::StringMsg_V |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/TrackVisual | ignition::msgs::TrackVisual |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/VideoRecord | ignition::msgs::VideoRecord |
| ros_gz_interfaces/msg/WorldControl | ignition::msgs::WorldControl |
| rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock | ignition::msgs::Clock |
| sensor_msgs/msg/BatteryState | ignition::msgs::BatteryState |
| sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | ignition::msgs::CameraInfo |
| sensor_msgs/msg/FluidPressure | ignition::msgs::FluidPressure |
| sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | ignition::msgs::IMU |
| sensor_msgs/msg/Image | ignition::msgs::Image |
| sensor_msgs/msg/JointState | ignition::msgs::Model |
| sensor_msgs/msg/Joy | ignition::msgs::Joy |
| sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan | ignition::msgs::LaserScan |
| sensor_msgs/msg/MagneticField | ignition::msgs::Magnetometer |
| sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix | ignition::msgs::NavSat |
| sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 | ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked |
| tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage | ignition::msgs::Pose_V |
| trajectory_msgs/msg/JointTrajectory | ignition::msgs::JointTrajectory |
And the following for services:
| ROS type | Gazebo request | Gazebo response |
|--------------------------------------|:--------------------------:| --------------------- |
| ros_gz_interfaces/srv/ControlWorld | ignition.msgs.WorldControl | ignition.msgs.Boolean |
Run `ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge -h` for instructions.
## Example 1a: Gazebo Transport talker and ROS 2 listener
Start the parameter bridge which will watch the specified topics.
# Shell A:
. ~/bridge_ws/install/setup.bash
#注意了:从这里到后面每个地方的source或者 . 命令都要修改为自己的setup.bash的路径,否者可能会找不到包
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /chatter@std_msgs/msg/[email protected]
```#启动了参数转换包,应该是:ros2 run 包名 可执行文件名称 节点名称@ros2消息名称@对于于ros2的gazebo内的消息类型
Now we start the ROS listener.
# Shell B:
. /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 topic echo /chatter
Now we start the Gazebo Transport talker.
# Shell C:
ign topic -t /chatter -m ignition.msgs.StringMsg -p 'data:"Hello"'
```#格式:ign topic -t 节点名称 -m gazebo消息类型 -p 消息内容
## Example 1b: ROS 2 talker and Gazebo Transport listener
Start the parameter bridge which will watch the specified topics.
# Shell A:
. ~/bridge_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /chatter@std_msgs/msg/[email protected]
Now we start the Gazebo Transport listener.
# Shell B:
ign topic -e -t /chatter
Now we start the ROS talker.
# Shell C:
. /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 topic pub /chatter std_msgs/msg/String "data: 'Hi'" --once
## Example 2: Run the bridge and exchange images
In this example, we're going to generate Gazebo Transport images using
Gazebo Sim, that will be converted into ROS images, and visualized with
First we start Gazebo Sim (don't forget to hit play, or Gazebo Sim won't generate any images).
# Shell A:
ign gazebo sensors_demo.sdf
Let's see the topic where camera images are published.
# Shell B:
ign topic -l | grep image
Then we start the parameter bridge with the previous topic.
# Shell B:
. ~/bridge_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /rgbd_camera/image@sensor_msgs/msg/[email protected]
Now we start the ROS GUI:
# Shell C:
. /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view /rgbd_camera/image
You should see the current images in `rqt_image_view` which are coming from
Gazebo (published as Gazebo Msgs over Gazebo Transport).
The screenshot shows all the shell windows and their expected content
(it was taken using ROS 2 Galactic and Gazebo Fortress):
![Gazebo Transport images and ROS rqt](images/bridge_image_exchange.png)
## Example 3: Static bridge
In this example, we're going to run an executable that starts a bidirectional
bridge for a specific topic and message type. We'll use the `static_bridge`
executable that is installed with the bridge.
The example's code can be found under `ros_gz_bridge/src/static_bridge.cpp`.
In the code, it's possible to see how the bridge is hardcoded to bridge string
messages published on the `/chatter` topic.
Let's give it a try, starting with Gazebo -> ROS 2.
On terminal A, start the bridge:
`ros2 run ros_gz_bridge static_bridge`
On terminal B, we start a ROS 2 listener:
`ros2 topic echo /chatter std_msgs/msg/String`
And terminal C, publish an Gazebo message:
`ign topic -t /chatter -m ignition.msgs.StringMsg -p 'data:"Hello"'`
At this point, you should see the ROS 2 listener echoing the message.
Now let's try the other way around, ROS 2 -> Gazebo.
On terminal D, start an Igntion listener:
`ign topic -e -t /chatter`
And on terminal E, publish a ROS 2 message:
`ros2 topic pub /chatter std_msgs/msg/String 'data: "Hello"' -1`
You should see the Gazebo listener echoing the message.
## Example 4: Service bridge
It's possible to make ROS service requests into Gazebo. Let's try unpausing the simulation.
On terminal A, start the service bridge:
`ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /world/shapes/control@ros_gz_interfaces/srv/ControlWorld`
On terminal B, start Gazebo, it will be paused by default:
`ign gazebo shapes.sdf`
On terminal C, make a ROS request to unpause simulation:
ros2 service call /world/
## Example 5: Configuring the Bridge via YAML
When configuring many topics, it is easier to use a file-based configuration in a markup
language. In this case, the `ros_gz` bridge supports using a YAML file to configure the
various parameters.
The configuration file must be a YAML array of maps.
An example configuration for 5 bridges is below, showing the various ways that a
bridge may be specified:
# Set just topic name, applies to both
- topic_name: "chatter"
ros_type_name: "std_msgs/msg/String"
gz_type_name: "ignition.msgs.StringMsg"
# Set just ROS topic name, applies to both
- ros_topic_name: "chatter_ros"
ros_type_name: "std_msgs/msg/String"
gz_type_name: "ignition.msgs.StringMsg"
# Set just GZ topic name, applies to both
- gz_topic_name: "chatter_ign"
ros_type_name: "std_msgs/msg/String"
gz_type_name: "ignition.msgs.StringMsg"
# Set each topic name explicitly
- ros_topic_name: "chatter_both_ros"
gz_topic_name: "chatter_both_ign"
ros_type_name: "std_msgs/msg/String"
gz_type_name: "ignition.msgs.StringMsg"
# Full set of configurations
- ros_topic_name: "ros_chatter"
gz_topic_name: "ign_chatter"
ros_type_name: "std_msgs/msg/String"
gz_type_name: "ignition.msgs.StringMsg"
subscriber_queue: 5 # Default 10
publisher_queue: 6 # Default 10
lazy: true # Default "false"
direction: BIDIRECTIONAL # Default "BIDIRECTIONAL" - Bridge both directions
# "GZ_TO_ROS" - Bridge Ignition topic to ROS
# "ROS_TO_GZ" - Bridge ROS topic to Ignition
To run the bridge node with the above configuration:
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge --ros-args -p config_file:=$WORKSPACE/ros_gz/ros_gz_bridge/test/config/full.yaml
## API
ROS 2 Parameters:
* `subscription_heartbeat` - Period at which the node checks for new subscribers for lazy bridges.
* `config_file` - YAML file to be loaded as the bridge configuration