realsense SDK 开发手册sample源码翻译1


//**概览**:Hello RealSense示例演示了连接到RealSense设备的基础知识,并print(屏幕上输出)视野中心到物体距离的深度数据。
//**Expected Output**:假设相机已连接,您应该看到“相机正对着X米外的物体”不断更新。 X是相机视野中心对象的距离(以米为单位)。
//**Code Overview**:首先,include英特尔®实感™跨平台API。除了高级功能外,所有功能都通过单个标头提供:



using namespace rs2;

void main()
    // Create a Pipeline, which serves as a top-level API for streaming and processing frames
	//接下来,我们创建并启动RealSense Pipeline。 Pipeline是控制摄像机枚举和流的主要高级原语。
    pipeline p;

    // Configure and start the pipeline

    while (true)
        // Block program until frames arrive
		//动作或姿势流。 wait_for_frames函数将block,直到各种配置流的下一组相干帧到来。
        frameset frames = p.wait_for_frames();

        // Try to get a frame of a depth image
        depth_frame depth = frames.get_depth_frame();
        // The frameset might not contain a depth frame, if so continue until it does
        if (!depth) continue;

        // Get the depth frame's dimensions
        float width = depth.get_width();
        float height = depth.get_height();

        // Query the distance from the camera to the object in the center of the image 
        float dist_to_center = depth.get_distance(width / 2, height / 2);

        // Print the distance 
        std::cout << "The camera is facing an object " << dist_to_center << " meters away \r";

