

1 Flatwhite

1.1 What is Flatwhite?

1.2 When to use Flatwhite?

1.3 How to use Flatwhite?

  1. Flatwhite


    1. What is Flatwhite?

Flatwhite is an AOP library with MVC and WebAPI ActionFilter style using Castle dynamic proxy. There are many libraries out there to help you intercept a method call such as PostSharp, recently CodeCop and they're really cool tools. However, I've been using Castle dynamic proxy for a many years and I think it offers enough needs for my projects. Therefore, Flatwhite is an opinionated library to facilitate usages of Castle dynamic proxy for method interceptions.

Current release only supports Autofac but I think other IOC containers also use Castle dynamic proxy when they come to interception so they will be supported in the future.

You can create MethodFilterAttribute to add custom logic to any methods as soon as it is interceptable by Castle Dynamic Proxy (virtual not final). Flatwhite has a built-in OutputCacheFilter to cache method result which can auto refresh stale content. You can use Flatwhite simply for caching or extending behavior of your code such as profiling, logging by implement MethodFilterAttribute similar to MVC's ActionFilterAttribute

    1. When to use Flatwhite?

You have classes implemented interfaces and registered using Autofac (for now). You have a need to intercept method calls so you possibly have 2 quick options:

  • Use Autofac.Extras and call EnableInterfaceInterceptor() on type registrations then create/register custom IInterceptor.
  • Or use Flatwhite, implement an MethodFilterAttribute and decorate on the methods on your interfaces which you want to intercept.

As mentioned above, Flatwhite has a built-in OutputCacheFilter to cache method output. It works for methods that have a return value both sync and async methods. Beside caching, you can also implement MethodFilterAttribute and ExceptionFilterAttribute to add custom logic to your code.

    1. How to use Flatwhite?

** Required packages:  

For now, Flatwhite needs to be used with Autofac (except Flatwhite.WebApi package). It requires Castle Dynamic proxy to intercept methods so it's a requirement to have public interface or your methods must be virtual and not final to be intercepted.
